Blogging Tips – Learn How to Start a Blog

So, you want to start your own blog but aren’t quite sure where to begin? The following tips should help:

Start with your passion: Does your mouth water at the thought of a good restaurant? Does the launch of new gadgets make you curious and excited? Does your heart beat faster for flowers planted in a certain color scheme?

Blog about whatever excites you, and you will find that others will tap into your excitement and will want to read more. Be consistent. Challenge yourself to blog about whatever niche you have chosen at least once a week. Just start by sharing the things you love.

Include great pictures: Many successful writers who blog about specific niches entice their readers with photos or videos. Pictures that are crisp and clear are attention grabbers and make blog posts interesting. Photos included in your blog convey information in a quick, concise manner. Likewise, videos get viewers and readers engaged more.


It may take a while, but starting a blog will be more successful if it includes eye-pleasing images and engaging videos. Take lots of pictures but include only the best. Pictures tell a story and you want your images to attract others to your blog.


Find your voice: One of the biggest obstacles about starting a blog is being real. Make your blog about your niche unique and transparent. Don’t be afraid to write about your failures as well as your successes on your niche and its related endeavors.

Can I Really Make a Living by Blogging?

Yes, it is possible to make a living by blogging, infact a very good income, even by writing online. On the other hand, the hard truth is most of the numerous bloggers out there don't make enough to support themselves just with their blogs. Let us take a look at what is involved.

Blogging as an Occupation:  There are two main approaches to professional blogging - You could be a freelance blogger for a company or website, or you can start your own blog from scratch. Getting a job as a professional blogger is much easier than starting at ground zero with your own blog. Those who get a job with an established company can earn a good living right off the bat. Setting up and monetizing your own blog, takes a lot more work, just like starting your own business.


Some people have made lots of thousands of dollars writing their blog, while others are yet to make a cent from theirs. Some have even established, succeeded and sold their blogs for millions of dollars. The fact remains that it is not easy to carve out your space on the web and make a name for yourself as a blogger this days, as it used to be when blogging just started. It simply takes a lot of time to build your audience to the point where it is successful. So it's definitely not something you can get rich quickly with. However, many people do work on their blogs full time.


How Much You Can Earn: Freelance bloggers can make anything from under $10 a post to $100 or more for a relatively short post. As for running your own blog, a survey of about 1,000 bloggers by in 2012 found that 17% are able to sustain their lifestyle or support their family with their blogs, while 81% never make even $100 from blogging.


Where To Take Off From, When Starting A Blog

Start by thinking of the type of blog you want to have and how much control you want to have over the look and domain name. Free blogging services usually have a set of standard templates and easy controls to get started, but the design is usually not that flexible. One of such free blogging services is, which provides less customization but hosts the blog on its own servers and has its own mobile apps. The other version is found at, where the WordPress blogging software can be downloaded and used on someone else's servers. You have more control over the look and feel of the blog there.


Where the blog will reside is another consideration, as is whether you want to use a free or paid platform. The likes of Google's Blogger makes it easy to set up a simple blog, especially if you already use some of Google's other products.


Topic Ideas For Starting A Blog


There are websites about nearly everything you can imagine! Anyone who puts in the right effort can
build an audience online, even if it is about an obscure topic.
Here are some blog topic ideas to get you thinking about what you could focus your site on. 


·      -Recipes For Healthy Living,

·      -Make Good Video For The Web Marketing,

·      -Make Your Opinions Count,

·      -Cyber Bullying,

·      -Behavioral Disorders In Children,

·      -Health & Fitness,

·      -Writing Style,

·      -Getting Microsoft Certified,

·      -Self Improvement, 

·      -Self Defense,

·      -Helping Small Businesses Get More Customers,

·      -How To Have A Successful Marriage,

·      -Entrepreneurial Education For The Young,

·      -Language Learning,

·      -Golfing,

·      -Urban Farming,

·      -How To Travel On A Budget,

·      -Personal Development,

·      -Mind Power,

·      -Using Technology In Small Business,

·      -Healthy Eating,

·      -Following Your Passion,

·      -How To Become A Better Writer.


(These are just basic ideas.)


I do hope this article helps in getting you started with blogging.


Thank you for reading.


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